Turn off weather widget in taskbar Windows 10

The Weather widget was introduced in the latest Windows 10 Cumulative Update, June 2021. The Weather widget shows you the temperature and cloud cover in the taskbar. And any warnings. As you can see, the weather in Miami is very nice at the moment.

weather widget

Windows updates June 2021

The weather widget is not a sudden addition. The feature was already announced in April 2021 and should actually be installed automatically in May 2021. However, the majority of Windows 10 users will not see the Weather widget added to the taskbar until June, after installing KB5004476.

How do I disable the Weather widget in the taskbar?

Disabling the Weather widget is easy. Right-click anywhere in the taskbar. Move the mouse over News and Interests. In the submenu, click Disable

turn off weather widget

How do I enable the Weather widget in the taskbar?

Changed mind? Fortunately, enabling the Weather widget is just as easy as turning it off. Right-click anywhere in the taskbar. Move the mouse over News and Interests. Click Enable in the submenu.

What else can you do with News and Interests?

Besides showing the temperature and cloudiness, you can do a lot more with the News and Interests feature.

First: if you find the temperature and cloud segment too large, you can choose to show only the cloud/sun icon. Right-click anywhere in the taskbar. Move the mouse over News and Interests. In the submenu, click Show icon only

weather only show icon

I don’t see the benefit of this yet. Besides rain I also want to know if it is 5 or 25 degrees.

What I do think is a cool feature is the News and Interests app window. It appears when you hover your mouse over the weather, or when you left-click on it. It provides an overview of the best news, traffic information, more extensive weather forecast, and stock prices. If you want to customize this newsfeed, click on Manage Interests at the top right.

You can also click on the three dots at each segment. This allows you to customize or disable the individual category.

hide category news and interests

Weather widget has blurry text

At the time of writing, the weather widget still has blurry text in the taskbar. This is presumably a cosmetic bug that will be corrected later.

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