In case you see the error “The server {DA1C0281-456B-4F14-A46D-8ED2E21A866F} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.” in your event viewer (event id 10010), you probably have a problem with Workfolders.
In your registry search for {DA1C0281-456B-4F14-A46D-8ED2E21A866F} , and you’ll find it in the location:
The default data is Microsoft.SyncShare.SyncShareFactory Class

The related Appid is {712cedb9-16a4-4f79-801d-7de24d8c706e}. If you continue to search for that value in your registry, you will end up in:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WOW6432Node\AppID\{712cedb9-16a4-4f79-801d-7de24d8c706e} . And in this key, the value Localservice has data workfolderssvc

There is no certain way to resolve this error, but you may need to start checking the Workfolder service in Services.msc. The Workfolder service needs to be set to Startup Type Manual or Automatic. If the Startup Type is set to Disabled, change it, click Apply and start the service.
In your eventlog the following event may have been logged:
Log Name: System Source: Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM Event ID: 10010 Description: The server {DA1C0281-456B-4F14-A46D-8ED2E21A866F} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.