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The account being accessed does not support http with BLOB SAS URL in Azure - itexperience.net

The account being accessed does not support http with BLOB SAS URL in Azure

The following error occurred in my web browser when trying to download a file from my Azure Blob Storage:

The account being accessed does not support http. RequestId:94de06e3-c01e-000e-4aad-f7c76c000000 Time:2019-04-19T19:18:03.2680382Z

This error was unexpected, since I had allowed HTTP at the creation of my blob SAS token and URL:

allow http access to blob storage sas azure 1


The solution is quite easy (once you know 😉 ).
You need to enable Insecure transfers in the Confguration of your Storage Account. To do so,

  1. Go to your Storage Account (top level) in Azure
  2. Go to SettingsConfiguration
  3. Set “Secure transfer required” to “Disabled
  4. Click Save
  5. Retry to access the URL. The file can now be accessed.

set Secure Transfer required to disabled azure blob


More information about Authorization with SAS can be found here:


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Legend! Thank you. 🙂


really awesome tips here, thank you!

Philip Ursi


I am facing the same issue.

I am programming the upload with the com.microsoft.azure.storage package.

Your fix does work for me as well.

I was just thinking about the security implications as we are storing sensitive data in the company Blob.

  1. Do you know an alternative fix?
  2. What are the security implications?

Thanks and regards,


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