Inspired by some Services errors on my Windows Server 2016 machine, I noticed a service called OneSyncSvc_x.
The service has the following description:
This service synchronizes mail, contacts, calendar and various other user data. Mail and other applications dependent on this functionality will not work properly when this service is not running.
Well, no, I don’t care about these applications to sync, so let’s disable this OneSyncSvc. When I tried set the Service Startup Type to Disabled, I got the following error:
Services – The parameter is incorrect
When I tried to use ‘sc config OneSyncSvc_2deeb start=disabled’, it returned:
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig2 (delayed autostart flag) FAILED 87:
The parameter is incorrect.
Grrr, annoying, and since I’m pretty stubborn in these situations, I used my last escape: Registry Editor:
Go to the following key:
Then find the name “Start” and change the value to 4. (where 4 stands for Disabled)
Since I got 3 OneSyncSvc’s, I changed it for all three keys.
I don’t think this will cause any problems, but as always: all actions are on your own responsibility 🙂
The problem I have with this is that once you reboot , the services comes up with a different number
Hi Chavi, thank you for your reply.
I’ve tested this issue myself and can confirm that the number changes after a reboot.
However, if you modify the startup type for ALL onesyncsvc’s (onesyncsvc, as well as onesynsvc_xxxx), al newly created services will inherit the Startup type.
In my case, after a server reboot, a new service with number 2ee9 was created, and the service is Disabled by default.
The services named onesynsvc_xxxx and other such services are ‘per-user’ services, which are new to Windows10_1709.
You only need to disable the first entry for onesync in the registry using the method mentioned, the other per-user services are then automatically disabled. Hence why you can’t disable these using services.msc.
The per-user services are created and destroyed for each user signed on. Just disable the main service in the registry and per-user services are longer created/started. The additional numbered services are also no longer created.