Nuance Power PDF Advanced crashes at SaveAs.zxt in splash screen

Another challenge on my day as a system administrator: Each time I try to start Nuance Power PDF Advanced 2.0 it crashes at “SaveAs.zxt loading“.  It then displays a notification “Nuance Power PDF has stopped working”. Well thank you for that 🙂

Nuance PowerPDF crashes at SaveAs.zxt

Symptoms of Nuance Power PDF Advanced crashing

When you run Nuance Power PDF Advanced 2.0, the program stops working while loading. On the splash screen, a message “SaveAS.zxt loading” is displayed
When you run Nuance PDF Assistant (NPDFAssist.exe), the program states msvcp140.dll is missing. Same issue for VCRUNTIME140.dll

Solution to SaveAs.zxt crash during startup

Apparantly, the Nuance Power PDF installation is missing a prerequisite check for Visual Studio C++ 2015 Runtime. This software is required for Nuance PowerPDF to run. After the installation of Visual Studio C++ 2015, the Nuance software starts as normal.

Install Visual Studio C++ 2015 Runtime

Additional Notes

It seems some people have issues with search.zxt. The symptoms are quite the same: Nuance freezes at opening during flash screen. In case you have a problem with initializing search.zxt, try to modify your display settings. In particular, try to lower your display resolution to 1920×1080.

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