How to schedule a Teams Meeting with Outlook

In Microsoft Teams it is possible to schedule a teams meeting with several colleagues and possibly external parties. But what if you don’t always have Teams open? Or if you primarily work in Outlook and do not want to switch windows all the time. In this howto I show you how to quickly and easily schedule a new meeting with Outlook

Create a Teams meeting in Outlook

To create a team meeting in Outlook, do the following:

  1. In Outlook, click New Items and choose Teams Meeting
    create teams meeting in outlook
  2. In the meeting window, at least fill in the following fields:
    • Title
    • Required attendees
    • Start time and End timecreate teams meeting in outlook 2
  3. You can leave the location at Microsoft Teams Meeting. But you may like to add locations with the Room Finder. Just make sure you don’t replace or update the Microsoft Teams Meeting location. If the following message appears, click No:
    create teams meeting update the current location

    The meeting room will now be added to the Location field as a second location. This can be useful if you are organizing a meeting that is attended so much physically in the meeting room, but where some of the participants dial in through Teams
  4. Click Send to send the invitation.

The steps above guide you to create a Teams Meeting. Beware that the Teams plugin for Outlook may result in performance issues in Teams. But as long as your performance is fine, you’re good to go 🙂

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Great website – thanks for the help!

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