Logilda.dll: There was a problem starting C:\Windows\System32\LogiLDA.dll

Logilda.dll error message occurs when you start your desktop or laptop. It’s caused by an upgrade from Windows 10, but fortunately, it’s easy to fix. I got this message after upgrading to Windows 10 2004: There was a problem starting C:\Windows\System32\LogiLDA.dll. The specified module could not be found.

logilda.dll There was a problem starting

Cause of the LogiLDA.dll error

Normally, LogiLDA.dll starts automatically when Windows starts. If the specified module could not be found, you will get the message ‘There was a problem starting …’
You probably have a Logitech mouse or keyboard. Logilda.dll is a system file that is part of the Logitech Download Assistant. The software is automatically installed as soon as you connect the device. As soon as you upgrade Windows, or something goes wrong during installation, the Logilda.dll error occurs.

Fix There was a problem starting C:\Windows\System32\LogiLDA.dll

There are several ways to resolve the Logilda.dll error message.

  • Disable LogiLDA from Startup
  • Delete Logitech Download Assistant registry key
  • Reinstall Logitech Download Assistant / Software

Fix LogilLDA.dll by disabling at startup

To stop LogiLDA.dll from starting at Windows startup, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start windows logo start
  2. Type Task Manager in the search bar
  3. Click Run as administrator
  4. Click tab Startup
  5. Right-click Logitech Download Assistant
  6. Click Disable
    Note: If any additional Logitech software is listed, you might want to disable them too.
  7. Restart your computer to make sure the error is gonedisable logilda.dll in task manager

Fix LogiLDA.dll by deleting Logitech Download Assistant registry key

Another option is to modify the registry. To delete the Logitech Download Assistant registry key, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Registry Editor as administrator
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  3. Locate the key Logitech Download Assistant, right-click and click Deletedelete registry key for logilda.dll

Fix LogiLDA by reinstalling Logitech Download Assistant software

If you find the Logitech software useful, you may want to reinstall the SetPoint software. This software contains the Download Assistant and will also fix the error.


What is Logitech Download Assistant?

Logitech Download Assistant is a software product designed by Logitech. It runs in the background of your PC and will periodically scan and detect new updates for Logitech software. This helps you download and install the new updates for your keyboards and mice automatically. It is known for causing the LogiLDA.dll error at every startup of Windows.

What is LogiLDA.dll?

LogiLDA.dll is a DLL module, that is part of the Logitech Download Assitant. The library is essential for running the Logitech Download Assistant software. Normally it is located in C:\WINDOWS\system32. The file is around 4 MB, but may vary by version.

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Thank you, perfrecte!!


Your wisdom will be evermore appreciated!


Thank you!




Thanks. This help solves the problem.


Thanks it wored great


does not work


Thank you


thanks gracias varon


Thanks for solution.It was fix!


Thank you!


thanks a lot.


Thanks a lot ! It works. Regards from Croatia..-


It didn’t work for my system: There wasn’t a Logitech file or entry to delete or disable.

Windows 10 Home Premium with; Logitech 2.1 speakers, and MK710 Logitech Wireless; Keyboard and Mouse combination.


Great info…thks


Thanks so much this helped


win10, while opening taskmanager at startup shown unnamed disabled “program” with startup impact “not measured”? – but no named specific logiLDA? Other startups were normaly named with respective program names….would try through registry … thanks anyway as seems that the error itself does not cause any damage to computer work or efficiency apart annoying popup notice..

Kenneth Keeton

Same thing here, there is no “logiLDA” listed in following any of the directions listed above yet the popup still shows and is driving me nuts. I have had no logitech products ever installed in my computer and yet this started about 4 days ago from the date I left this message. Please follow up with another option to correct this as it keeps popping up and driving me crazy since I can not seem to fix it.

JC Marquez

Thank u so much…for those that are trying to find “logiLDA” I didn’t click on that,,,right clicked on “Logitech Download Assistant” which is under NAME and next to that is PUBLISHER “Logitech, Inc.”


[…] FIX: There was a problem starting C… – Thank u so much…for those that are trying to find “logiLDA” I didn’t click on that,,,right clicked on “Logitech Download Assistant” which is under NAME. […]


Appreciate your help with the Logitech DLL error


Thank you for this!


Works great – thank you for this fix!


Thank you this was very helpful and clear !


thank you.,The info was direct and easy to know.


Thank you, The problem was easily fixed by disabling Logitech Download Assistant.

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