Today I faced an error in Minecraft Java Edition stating Multiplayer is disabled. Please check your Microsoft Account settings.
It took me quite some time to figure out where to turn on Multiplayer mode, but luckily I found the setting. In this article, I will describe step by step how you can solve the problem Multiplayer is disabled. Please check your Microsoft Account settings and how to enable Multiplayer mode for Minecraft

Table of Contents
How to fix “Multiplayer is disabled” error in Minecraft
The problem of Minecraft Multiplayer error can be caused in two places: it can occur with your own account, or it can occur with your child’s account. Setting up your own account is practically the same as setting up for your child, so let’s start with your own account:
- Login to with your Minecraft account.
If it signs in automatically with a wrong account, click your photo at the right top and choose Sign out - Once logged in with the Minecraft account, enter the following URL: This will take you to Xbox privacy and online safety.
- In Privacy & Online Safety, click Xbox One/Windows 10 Online Safety.
- Scroll down to the second option from the bottom, stating “You can join multiplayer games“. Set this to Allow
- Click Submit to save your changes
That’s it. For your own account at least.
Setup Minecraft Multiplayer for your children
Good chance Minecrafts’ multiplayer is disabled for your kids account too. If you want to set the Multiplayer option for your kids’ account:
- Head back to once more.
- Scroll down to your child’s identity. Click More Options and choose Xbox Online Settings
- In the Xbox Online Settings page, do the same as you did in your own account:
Go to Privacy & Online Safety, click Xbox One/Windows 10 Online Safety.
Scroll down to the second option from the bottom, stating “You can join multiplayer games“. Set this to Allow
Afterwards, click Submit to save your changes
This should have solved the Multiplayer is Disabled error for Minecraft on your PC.
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it doesn’t work at all since they don’t even have privacy and online setting to press
hello i tried to go to this link but it only lets me go to here
can you please help
You need to setup a family with elder person (>18years) and then you will be able to manage the kid’s account settings
i have the same issue, but i’m not sure how to setup a family with another person. don’t worry if you can’t explain, i am sure i can find it somewhere online if not. have a great day <3
You need to setup a family with elder person (>18years) and then you will be able to manage the kid’s account settings
Same Here
I have it too
It’s not given help
there is a loop so it dose not work
It just undid the changes we made when we hit summit
I am a member of my family and cannot see a more options option
Change your DOB on your Microsoft account to an older year. I was born in 1977, and I can change the safety setting on my account.
שאני עושה את השלב האחרון כתוב An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later
When I do the last step it says An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later
Try Reinstalling Windows…
I have done all this and it still isn’t allowing me on to multiplayer???
me too im so confused
Same here
When I click the link it takes me to, and then there is no where to go, when I click Xbox settings it loops me back to this page. I’m on Mac, is that why?
I guess you used google chrome. I had the same experience for a long time. But then I tried an another browser and the webpages is the same as in the article.
Me and my kid had the correct settings as described in this article. But my kid does still experience this error.
I figured out what’s wrong. My kid had 2 acounts. The other one was not connected to my family.
But don’t use Google chrome. You can not find this settings with this browser. Try an another browser. That worked for me.
it dosen’t worke
you did not save the changes
Does not work I’m not seeing my kid’s account 45y old, I think I have my outlook account for more then 18y so that should not be the problem either. It is looping all the time and I cannot get to the account
I have the same issue, except for it still saying its already allowed when I go to allow it. So I am kinda stuck unable to play and im trying to find a way to resolve this. If you know of one, please let me know.
Same for me
what if your arent in family settings
That’s what happend to me just go to: and from there do like he said.
it manage to woke for me check in family settings if your a member if so find a leader or higher rank and then they can click on you and change xbox settings (Look further down the page)
same with Naoise for some reason, I’ll be happy to know too. I’ll try finding more ways, thank you.
Dude is it always under maintenance, how am I supposed to access it?
thank you very much this helped alot
This was very helpful
Guys when i press more options there in no xbox online settings what do i do?
you are not on a 13+ account
Koen, could you please tell me what to do, i have changed the account’s age to 13+ the xbox online settings still do not open. please respond
Xbox Page Is Not For 13+, The Xbox Page Is Only For 18+
my link goes to the same place
everytime the safty and the link in these
Why is it asking to verify my account?, I Didn’t Get The Code Everytime it asks to verify.
OH I get it
I installed Minecraft Using Microsoft store and using trial version.
but then multiplayer was unlocked when I tried to turn it on it was asking to install full version. How do i enable it without full version does any one know?
You can’t. Multiplayer isn’t enabled on the trial edition
you need java edition
wtf i dont even have it
Now i installed Bedrock edition And When I tapped sign in it signed in so i tapped Play then servers it was saying you can’t play multiplayer
thank you so much now i can play with my friend
with my kids acc there’s only screen time and contint filters and manage permissions
i have the same problem
could you do a tutorial for xbox2? ive been suffering for a few days now
What Do You Mean By “xbox2”?
I Call “xbox2” A “Xbox 10”
When I click on, XBOX settings, it leads me to ‘Manage app privacy settings on Xbox’. I click ‘Privacy & Online Safety’ it redirects me back to the same website. So I can’t even get to the proper settings.
Same here. Then I click the email info settings to change the birthday year of my boys (makes them 18+). Then back to the ‘Privacy & Online Safety’, click it and works to change the settings. Hope it can help you guys.
What is the date?
can you plz tell me?
I changed their birthday year at 2000. You can try, ours worked. Hopefully can help you
thanks so much
Thanks for the info.
I haven’t checked the website for a while now. That’s why I seem inactive.
where is the “email info settings” page?
the exact same thing happened to me
how do you enable multiplayer on minecraft i have been searching 1 week 🙁
hello guys!
I solved everything thanks
çok çok teşekkür ederim.
(thank u very very much.)
The Xbox page is correct. I have no clue on what the heck I am supposed to do.
I Don’t need to do that, because i can play still play multiplayer ,because i now used easyMc client to play multiplayer
I actually bought the game yesterday and my multiplayer mode isnt working. I’m on MacBook Air and it doesnt even give me the option to allow multiplayer
Thanks Alot It’s Working!
Thanks for this. So helpful!
Yeah Same.
when i go to privacy and online safety, it just takes me to the page i was already at, so i cant do this. please help, i’ve been trying to do this for like 3 or 4 hours.
It’s Easy, Set Your Date of birth to the following : 1\1\2000
BAM! You’re done now you can get to the proper settings!
where and how do you set/change your date of birth
Fantastic guide, if onlt Microsoft could explain how their systems work at this level 🙂
Well, I Tried on a mac and It’s Not Working I even tried downgrading and upgrading but IT’S STILL NOT WORKING That’s Why MacOS Is The WORST But Windows Is The BEST!
Fantastic – worked perfectly!
it didnt work, instead of coming to privacy and online safety i get put in a whole different page
Me tooo
this means youre the child account
thanks so much this really worked, I can now play on servers with my friends now!
Thanks, very clear and easy to understand. Well done!
Finally! I Can Play on Servers With My Friend! “Nulzee” Now!
Clear Tutorial!, I Can even know if The Servers Are Even Updated, I Can even play my Favorite Game! Brokenlens!, This Tutorial Is Clear, And Easy!, Well Done!.
Not working