Fix for Event 8200 – License acquisition failure details. hr=0x80072EE7

A new Windows 10 installation and immediately I got spammed with event 8200 / event ID 8200 – License acquisition failure details. hr=0x80072EE7 in my event log:

Log Name: Application
Source: Security-SPP
Event ID: 8200
Level: Error
Description: License acquisition failure details. hr=0x80072EE7

Event 8200 License acquisition failure details 0x8004FE2F event id 8200

Is this a normal error that you can safely ignore? In most cases: Yes. Error 0x80072EE7 means you had no internet connection at the time of the activation or license acquisition. In case of a fresh Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019 installation, this is completely normal if you’re about to set up a wireless connection.

How to fix event 8200

When should you not ignore this event error? If you’re visiting this blog on the same computer as which you have the licensing problem 🙂 In that case, you’re internet is running fine, and you’re really having an activation issue. Follow the fixes below to find the cause of event id 8200 and solve your problem

Fix 1: check your proxy

Your proxy settings may block or route your traffic. Open Internet Options, go to tab Connections, click “LAN Settings” and verify your proxy settings are correct.

internet options check proxy settings

Fix 2: Try a rearm

In some cases,  Windows cannot reactivate because your grace period expired (error 0xc004f009). A slmgr /rearm solves the problem. Open command prompt as administrator and type “slmgr /rearm“. Wait a few seconds and it will complete successfully. Oh, and btw: if you don’t run as administrator, you will see the following error 😉

Error 0xC004F025 Access Denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges
slmgr error 0xC004F025 access denied the requested action requires elevated privileges

Fix 3: Activate to KMS with the correct GVLK

If you’re trying to activate in your own domain, and you’re sure your KMS server is up and running, you may have supplied the wrng GVLK. Find the right KMS Client Setup Key  and enter the following commands in an elevated command prompt:
slmgr /ipk <key>
slmgr /ato

Fix 4: Activate to specific KMS Host

If fix 3 didn’t work,. you may want to try this one as a last resort: specify the KMS Host manually.


Still having issues? Leave a comment! I’d be happy to help!

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