Fix event 5117 – A worker process serving application pool ‘WSUSPool’ has requested a recycle because it reached its private bytes memory limit

On a Windows Server 2016 server with the WSUS role installed, you may encounter the following error

Log Name: System
Source: WAS
Event ID: 5117
Description: A worker process serving application pool ‘WSUSPool’ has requested a recycle because it reached its private bytes memory limit

A worker process serving application pool 'WSUSPool'

In the WSUS Administration Console, you may face this message:

Error: Connection Error. Click Reset Server Node to try to connect to the server again.”

There are multiple ways to solve this issue. You most likely would want to use a cleanup script for WSUS. But that will cost some time finding and implementing the right one.

The quickest way to (temporarily? 🙂 ) fix this issue is to increase the memory assigned to the WSUS pool in IIS.

  1. Open Internet Information Services Manager (IIS)
  2. Go to Application Pools. Right-click WsusPool, choose Advanced Settings.
  3. Scroll down to Private Memory Limit (KB) and set it to a much higher limit. Like 8000000 (8GB). This will most likely prevent the pool from running out of memory
    iis private memory limit

Other events that may show up in your event viewer:

Event ID 5013
A process serving application pool ‘WsusPool’ exceeded time limits during shut down. The process id was ‘3000’

Event ID 5002
Application Pool ‘WsusPool’ is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool.

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judy hekel

the private memory limit on one of our systems app pool advance settings is set to 60000000 and we still get the errors, 5017, 5013, and then 5002. what else to try

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