Since a week, all of a sudden, I had this very strange problem that I could not move email items from the message list pane to a directory in the left pane. I got this error:
“Can’t copy the items. An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not correctly installed. Run Setup again for the program”
In addition, this problem caused much more strange behaviour. For example
- I could not double click any event in my eventvwr (oh, to be clear: double clicking was no problem, but nothing happened after that 🙂 )
- I could not drag and drop items in Windows Explorer
- I could nog drag and drop in Microsoft Office Visio 2007
Because of all these problems, the cause had to be an Operating System wide problem.
In my case, I solved it by:
- Registering ole32.dll
- Repairing Microsoft Office 2007 Standard and Visio 2007
To register ole32.dll, do the following
- Click Start, click Run, type “cmd” and click OK
- In the Command Prompt, type Regsvr32.exe %Windir%\System32\Ole32.dll and press Enter
- A regsvr32 window popups, that tells you that the DllRegisterServer succeeded
To repair Office 2007, do the following:
- Click Start, click Run, type “appwiz.cpl” and click OK
- Scroll down to Office 2007, click Office 2007 and click Change
- In the Setup window, choose Repair
i have problem in opening wedsite
I did this and still having the problem. What else I can do.