Event ID 33 Spellchecker in Event viewer

Since Windows 10 1803 was released, many international Windows 10 users are annoyed with error 33 in their eventlog.
At this moment, there’s no fix for this error. However, it doesn’t seem to cause any harm either.
If you DO experience problems because of this event id 33, please leave a comment with the symptoms.

event id 33 brave hendrik spellchecker

Failed to add hardcoded change pair “http -> http” to engine: Not implemented. The spell checker will still be available.

Failed to add hardcoded change pair “brave hendrik -> brave hendrik” to engine: Not implemented. The spell checker will still be available.

Nie można dodać zapisanej na stałe pary zmian http -> http do aparatu: Nie zaimplementowano.. Moduł sprawdzania pisowni pozostanie dostępny

Fehler beim Hinzufügen des hartcodierten Änderungspaars “http” -> “http” zum Modul: Nicht implementiert. Die Rechtschreibprüfung ist weiterhin verfügbar.

In case you have the Dutch OS, it might make you smile. There’s an odd translation for the “http -> http” part applied by Microsoft, namely “brave hendrik”. A person is called “brave hendrik” when he or she is a scare of hare. A 100% coward. I have no idea why Microsoft used this translation for http -> http. If you know, please leave a comment 😀

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