Error 0x80040154 in Gears 5 and Metro Exodus (XBOX)

Trying to install Gears 5 I got an error at 0%, stating “something unexpected happened” followed by Error code: 0x80040154

Trying to install Metro Exodus resulted in pretty the same error “We have a problem on our end, error 0x80040154”

This was all in the Xbox Beta App and in the Microsoft store.

0x80040154 gears 5 xbox

Troubleshooting 0x80040154 to prevent Something unexpected happened

Error 0x8001054 is usually caused by a firewall. So I disabled ZoneAlarm, rebooted my computer, and tried again. Same problem. Disabled Defender. Same problem

Then I decided to give it a last try: I UNINSTALLED ZoneAlarm. This actually fixed my issue with the Gears 5 installation.

I’m not interested in Metro Exodus, but nevertheless I have faith that it would install without error 0x80040154 too.

Solution to 0x80040154 in Gears 5

TL;DR : don’t just disable your alternative antivirus program, but completely uninstall it to ensure your antivirus isn’t the problem.
I’ve seen several websites instructing to do a system restore, reinstall Windows 10, recovering system partition (what?! for no reason 😀 ).  Although it will solve your error, don’t waste your time on these advises. My teacher used to tell me: don’t shoot a fly with a cannon if you can smash it with your newspaper.

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