Error 0x00000003 encountered when trying to find the MSP update file in Dynamics 365 for Outlook deployment

Deploying Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook addin (CRM addin) is usually pretty straightforward. An example of a silent install is:
SetupClient.exe /Q /norestart /lv “%SystemRoot%\Temp\D365_CRM_Install.log

However, you may encounter the following errors in the install log. Especially when you have had CRM 2013 or CRM 2015 installed before:

Error 0x00000003 encountered when trying to find the MSP update file
Error 0x00000002 encountered when trying to find langpack for MUI pack install.

To resolve this issue, remove all CRM’s orphan files and keys from the system. Following commands are Powershell commands, which you can use in a script to execute (use at your own risk 🙂 ):

Remove-Item -path %Appdata%\Local\Microsoft\MSCRM
Remove-Item -path %Appdata%\Roaming\Microsoft\MSCRM

Remove-Item -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\MSCRM\" -Recurse
Remove-Item -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\MSCRMClient\" -Recurse
Remove-Item -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\MSCRMIntegration\" -Recurse
Remove-Item -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\crmaddin.Addin\" -Recurse


Good luck!

Still no luck? Leave a command with your error code!

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