Enable-Archive: Mailbox x cannot be Archive enabled with Managed Folders Policy

When I tried to enable archiving for a specific user in Exchange 2010, the following error occurred:

Microsoft Exchange Error
Action ‘Enable Archive…’ could not be performed on object ‘Petrelli, Peter’.

Petrelli, Peter Failed
Mailbox ‘Peter.Petrelli’ cannot be Archive enabled with Managed Folders Policy. Archives are supported only with Retention Policy.

This error will mostly show up when you had a Managed Folder Policy enabled in Exchange 2007, and you then migrated to Exchange 2010. To verify that you have a Managed Folder policy enabled on the mailbox, execute the following Powershell command on your Exchange 2010 server:

get-mailbox –id user | Select-Object Name, ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy

The ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy column shows you the policy applied to the mailbox.
To remove the policy, execute the following Powershell command:

set-mailbox –id user –ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy $null

You can now enable archiving on the mailbox:

enable-mailbox –id user –ArchiveDatabase archivedatabasename

If you want a policy on the mailbox, that, for example, moves all items older than 30 days to the archive, search Google for “retention policies Exchange 2010

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