Duplicate mailbox was found, error code -1056749241

In a mixed environment with Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007, you may get the following error:

Last name, First name

Error was found for Last name, First name (email address) because: Error occurred in the step: Preparing mailbox to be moved. Failed to copy basic mailbox information with error: A duplicate mailbox was found due to problems during a Move Mailbox procedure. The duplicate mailbox has been deleted. Try again later., error code: -1056749241

Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
‘Organizational Unit location in Active Directory’ | move-mailbox -TargetDatabase ‘server name\storage group name\database name’

Elapsed Time: 00:00:11

In this case, a retry to move the mailbox will do. I’m not sure why this occurs, because as far as I know it hasn’t got any to do with replication and delay. But oh well, why arguing about this minor issue, while there are so many other errors to be found in Exchange 2007? 🙂

Any comments on this problem? Does a retry to move the mailbox not solve your problem? Post a comment!

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I retried a few time and it still fail. Anyone found solution for this ?


This issue may occur due to the inheritance permissions which have not correctly configured in your mailbox account. Following steps may help you to overcome the issue: 1) Open adsiedit.msc on Exchange server 2007. 2) Go through the following path: Configuration >> services>> MS Exchange >> CN= >> administrative groups >> CN= >> servers >> your server >> information store >> first storage group 3) Right click on Mailbox store in right hand column. 4) Select properties option 5) Go to Security tab 6) Advanced 7) Check the box to include inheritable permissions. 8) Click ok twice and Exits adsiedit… Read more »

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