Create a Hardware Profile – step 6

You’re reading the blog post series ”Creating a Windows 2012 VM Template with SCVMM 2012

In the same way as we created a Guest OS Profile in step 5, we are now going to create a Hardware Profile. A Hardware Profile is exactly as the name suggests: we’re going to create the hardware, the “metal”. Without having to hang it into a server rack. Great!

In your VMM Console, click Library, expand Profiles, right click Hardware Profiles and choose Create Hardware Profile. Give the Profile a name. I recommend choosing a name like “Medium Windows 2012 hardware”. In the future you may want to create additional hardware profiles like Light or Heavy, with less or more memory and cpu.

The settings in the Hardware Profile are pretty straight forward. Pay attention to the Network Adapter and Availability option.
At network adapter, make sure to choose the right network for your domain. Otherwise, your VM will not be able to join the domain (the domain you chose in your Guest OS Profile). At Availability, check or uncheck the option “Make this virtual machine high available”. This depends on your cluster. If you choose wrong, you cannot deploy your VM. Btw, the error message is very clear, so you will immediately recognize the problem at that time.

VMM Hardware Profile

Once you’re done, click OK. This was our last preparation. We’re now ready to deploy an OS from the template. To see how, click through to step 7: Deploy a VM from your template

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