Change default folder of Windows Explorer – advanced

In my previous post Change default folder of Windows Explorer, I explained how to change the default folder of Windows Explorer to a normal path, like “C:\itexperience”. In this post, I’ll explain how to change the default folder of Windows Explorer to a more extinct folder, like Favorites.

To keep it simple, I’ll show you how to set the default folder to “Favorites“.

1. First, we need to find the Class ID of Favorites.  To find the Class ID, do the following:

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Drag the Favorites folder to your desktop. A shortcut will be made.
    Open Notepad
  3. Drag the Favorites shortcut (from your desktop) to Notepad
  4. You will see a lot of garbage in Notepad. That’s OK. We are looking for the code, encapsulated by { }. In this case, you’ll find the following string: { 3 2 3 C A 6 8 0 – C 2 4 D – 4 0 9 9 – B 9 4 D – 4 4 6 D D 2 D 7 2 4 9 E }
  5. Now, the last thing we need to do is remove the spaces. So we’ll end up with  {323CA680-C24D-4099-B94D-446DD2D7249E}

2. Now that we have the Class ID, we can start modifying the shortcut of Windows Explorer. Right click on the Windows Explorer shortcut and click Properties 

3. Go to the tab “Shortcut“.

4. By default, the target is %windir%\explorer.exe. Add the following text to the target:
So the complete target path is:
%windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{323CA680-C24D-4099-B94D-446DD2D7249E}

5. Congratulations. You just created a Windows Explorer shortcut that has the Favorites folder as default folder! 🙂
Now, you can use the same procedure for other special locations. 

Here are some locations with the appropriate target location. It will save you some time.

  • Computer: %windir%\explorer.exe ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
  • Documents: %windir%\explorer.exe ::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}
  • Network: %windir%\explorer.exe ::{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}
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[…] a special location the default location in Windows Explorer, take a look at the following post: Change default folder of Windows Explorer – advanced Bookmark this […]


it’ doesn’t work in my wind 7


Addendum to “5.”: You can do a Find > Replace in notepad for a “space” leaving the “Replace With” empty for a quick way to remove the spaces.


I know it is old, but it is freaking brilliant! Thank you.


Thanks a lot!
You should mention how to access the Windows Explorer shortcut.
In Windows 7, you can just right click the icon in the Taskbar, right click on “Windows Explorer”, and then click on “Properties”.
I use it to open “Recent Places” automatically, and the Class ID for that is {22877A6D-37A1-461A-91B0-DBDA5AAEBC99}


Christian, very helpful articile !!


Asterisk, thanks for indicating how to get to Windows explorer shortcut. I was wondering how to get to it. Though this it only works if you click the explorer icon in the task bar (its next to IE and WMPlayer icons).

The shortcut Windows+E still does not open the folder I want it to open (in my case Favorties), any ideas on how to get this shortcut working?


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