Symptoms of error 0x800704dd during ccmsetup
Error 0x800704dd or 800704dd may occur when you’re trying to install the SCCM client, using ccmsetup.exe. I used cmtrace to examine the ccmsetup.log and found the following passage:
Failed to download client files by BITS. Error 0x800704dd
Failed to open to WMI namespace ‘\\.\root\ccm’ (80041001)
Failed to get client version for sending messages to FSP. Error 0x80041001
Failed to download from DP. Error 0x800704dd
Ccmsetup failed with error code 0x800704dd
A push installation as well as a manual installation failed.
Solution to error Ccmsetup failed with error code 0x800704dd
As it appears, the problem had something to do with a corrupt WMI repository. To solve this, you need to uninstall the (remains of the) ccm client, and then repair WMI on the machine. I found this handy topic on Microsoft. At the end of the discussion, MK-Maddin gives away his script to automatically fix the issue. To make sure the script is preserved, here’s the relevant part you need to run. After you have run this script, try to re-install the SCCM client:
IF NOT EXIST "%windir%\ccmsetup\logs" MKDIR "%windir%\ccmsetup\logs" @ECHO Uninstalling client... C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" /uninstall @ECHO Post uninstall cleanup... IF EXIST %windir%\CCM RMDIR /S /Q %windir%\CCM IF EXIST %windir%\ccmcache RMDIR /S /Q %windir%\ccmcache IF EXIST %windir%\ccmsetup RMDIR /S /Q %windir%\ccmsetup GOTO REPAIR_WMI :REPAIR_WMI @ECHO Repairing WMI... sc config winmgmt start= disabled net stop winmgmt /y %SYSTEMDRIVE% >nul cd %windir%\system32\wbem For /f %%s in ('dir /b *.dll') do regsvr32 /s %%s wmiprvse /regserver REM winmgmt /regserver net start winmgmt for /f %%s in ('dir /b *.mof *.mfl') do mofcomp %%s @ECHO Waiting for WMI repair to finish... @ping -n 90 %computername%>nul